A Little Care Can Change the World, The world needs you now, Let’s all extend a helping hand to everyone.
Onhelpinghand Corporation is a public, nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization in the United States, EIN: 88-4133695, It’s called OnHelpingHand.org / OnHelpingHand / OHH
Why OnHelpingHand was born:
OnHelpingHand wants to see a world where we help each other, spread love in the world, humanity is a great virtue, the creator loves everyone, in memory of the creator and to help everyone, OnHelpingHand was born.
Where does OnHelpingHand Support:
Where does OnHelpingHand Support:
The organization is helping through Crisis relief, Food, Online Tools and Social Impact Funds.
OnHelpingHand Income Source:
Donor’s Donation, Ads Run, Seller and Campaign Commission 15%
OnHelpingHand Income Source:
Donor’s Donation, Ads Run, Seller and Campaign Commission 15%
OnHelpingHand Expenses Way:
2.5% Bank Merchant fee, 85% is given directly to helping fund and Remaining Fund is spent on maintenance costs.
OnHelpingHand Donation Fund:
Your Donation 85% and OnHelpingHand Business Profit 85% are Sent Directly to the Donation Fund.
Fundraising tools user withdraw option:
Fund collection tools user can withdraw to PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, ACH Local Bank (US resident), Local Bank (UK resident). Minimum Payment $50, Fee Per Payment $3.75
We build OnHelpingHand Fund collection Tools to help make the Internet a better place! Our OnHelpingHand Tools is being used by millions of people from 100+ countries around the world, Our user strength has also grown impressively. Since inception, our tools have been used by millions of people the world over.
Donate in Honor or Memory of Someone:
You can make a tax-deductible donation to project on OnHelpingHand.org Donation Fund in honor or in memory of someone to show how much you care, while making the world a better place.
Start by choosing a project the honoree would love. We’ll ask you for honoree information and card personalization details before you check out.
Donate in Honor or Memory of Someone:
You can make a tax-deductible donation to project on OnHelpingHand.org Donation Fund in honor or in memory of someone to show how much you care, while making the world a better place.
Start by choosing a project the honoree would love. We’ll ask you for honoree information and card personalization details before you check out.
Support us
You can buy any service and give donation with below bank gateway.
Donate By PayPal.
Accepts: PayPal, Debit or Credit Card.
Secure donation
Donate By Stripe.
Accepts: Credit Cards ,Debit Cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Cash App Pay, Link, and USA Bank account
Secure donation
Please inform any information to help team (onhelpinghandorg@gmail.com), that can help you fast.